The vidcast my partner and I created is called Civil War Vidcast. We decided to do the civil war because we wanted a topic that is taught in all schools so that we could potentially use our vidcast. Our topic fits the 5th grade Social Studies Standard 4: Students will understand that the 19th century was a time of incredible change for the United States, including geographic expansion, constitutional crisis, and economic growth. Objective 3: Evaluate the course of events of the Civil War and its impact both immediate and long-term.
Our vidcast shows the historical impacts of the civil war and how it is currently impacting our world by showing Black Americans today and the rights they were given because of the civil war. Everyone can relate to the freedom that was gained from the civil war and our vidcast helps the students feel emotions related to that, while receiving accurate information about America’s history. Which is all requested in the NETS Standards. Also in compliance with NETS we “Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity”. The vidcast displays creative instruction of the core content areas describe above like required according to the INTASC Standards. It could also be connected to the classroom culture if shown in the appropriate classrooms.
This was our first experience in making a vidcast and obviously it could be improved with more knowledge and practice. I think, however, that it explains what the students will be learning in their next unit and what to expect from it. I also believe that the combination of pictures, images, and information gives a direct and desired emotion to the students. We want them to be proud of the changes that were made because of the civil war and how it has effected their lives today.
Like I said I would like to make this vidcast a little more high quality and with enough information and resources I think I would be able to make a similar vidcast that would be great for classroom introduction to the civil war and Black history. I would definitely use vidcasts for other subjects also. I think it is a quick and easy way to get students attention and hook them into an upcoming topic.
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