Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 2 in the field

WHAT?: Okay... I LOVE SMARTBOARD!!!! I finally got to use it this week in my classes! It's great! It's so easy to use, the students love it, and you don't have a board to clean all the time! Love it!

SO WHAT?: Well, like I said this week I've gotten to use the smart board. Today I taught math, science, and reading (basically the whole day :)) and I used the smart board for math and science! They have great programs for math on the smart board and students love doing practice on it! As for my science I used the board to assess the students before hand about bacteria using a circle graph. Then we made a graphic organizer and I used the PowerPoint to explain what the students should put on their organizer.

NOW WHAT?: I loved how when I was doing the PowerPoint I could just touch the arrow on the smartboard to go to the next slide. It's much easier than walking back and forth to the computer. Its been really fun using all this new technology in the classroom and I am excited to use it in my own class!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 1 in the field

WHAT?: Well, I've been in the field for a week... SCARY! I actually love it! I love being in a class finally. I really like the students that I'm working with too. Its been really fun so far. My cooperating teacher is great! She's let me have a lot of freedom with my lesson plans.

SO WHAT?: This week I'm doing Art and its been fun! I've used a powerpoint to show self portraits of famous artists and taught about color to the students. They have a smart board in their classroom that they use a lot for math! It's been really great, the students really love to use it. Miss Draper will put problems up on the smart board and then have the kids solve them on the board.

NOW WHAT?: I really hope that I have a smart board in my class when I start teaching! They great and I've only heard good things about them! I have noticed that I will need to get a Mac eventually... Everyone uses Mac and it seems to be working fine. I haven't had a lot of opportunity to use very much technology myself, but next week I'm teaching Science and I will be showing my digital story about bacteria and using other things in some lessons.